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07/09/2023Cellulite is the abnormal accumulation of adipose tissue localized in specific parts of the body.
The accumulated fat pushes upward, stretching the skin and creating bulges.
When the skin affected by cellulite is pressed between two fingers, numerous depressed points, which look similar to the texture of orange peel, will appear. Contrary to popular belief, cellulite is not caused by any circulatory disorders or fluid retention.
Formation and causes of cellulite
Adipose tissue, or body fat, is stored as energy for use during eventual periods of food scarcity.
Cellulite, or localized adipose hypertrophy, consists of abnormal masses of fat cells called adipocytes, that are roundish and cluster like a bunch of grapes. Adipocytes are located between the muscles and the skin, forming a cushion known as adipose tissue, which has three very important functions:
cushion trauma,
retain heat, and
store energy.
The thickness of the adipose tissue and the volume of fat cells, and therefore the appearance of cellulite, changes with age: it is thin in children, thickens during puberty, and then thins again in old age. Regardless of age, however, the adipose tissue will often thicken as a result of overeating and/or following a sedentary lifestyle.
Climate can also influence the thickness of the tissue. In colder countries, people often have thicker adipose tissue to protect them from the cold, while in hotter areas the tissue tends to be much thinner.
In addition, hormones can influence the size of the adipose tissue, with estrogen being a main contributor.
This is why cellulite often becomes more evident in sexually mature women and in those taking the contraceptive pill.
For this reason, any anti-cellulite treatment often begins with the suspension of the pill.
Despite the aforementioned reasons being the most common causes of cellulite, it can sometimes simply occur as a matter of predisposition.
What cellulite looks like
The thickness of the adipose tissue varies depending on the area of the body. For people of a healthy weight, this thickness will generally not exceed one centimeter. However, in some individuals, especially women, the adipose tissue can suddenly thicken to ten centimeters or more. This usually happens in locations such as the lower limbs, buttocks, abdomen, hips, knees, ankles and elbows, causing a dimpled, lumpy, ‘orange-peel’ appearance.
Sometimes, cellulite grows disproportionately in the same area due to a total imbalance of adipose tissue.

Treatments for cellulite
Having cellulite usually comes down to two factors: predisposition and sexual hormones, neither of which can be changed. It is therefore necessary to consider cellulite as an untreatable defect and as such a large number of mostly useless or sometimes harmful treatments are proposed.
Treatments to avoid
Anti-cellulite creams are the most commonly used treatment option. However, no cream applied to the skin can reach the depth where cellulite occurs, despite any advertising claims. While massage, passive exercise, or special diets usually do not help directly in treating cellulite, losing excess weight can help improve cellulite’s appearance.
Mesotherapy was a technique commonly used in the past. It involved injecting fluids into the cellulite in an attempt to “dissolve” the fat. In reality, however, the cellulite only diminished when thyroid hormones were injected, which caused many unpleasant side effects and is the reason why mesotherapy is no longer as common a treatment.
Liposuction has been used more recently. It involves aspirating fat through a cannula inserted into the area affected by cellulite. This surgical intervention comes with the risk of many negative side effects and, moreover, does not resolve the issue. Even if large amounts of fat are removed from the area, the emptied cells can replenish with more fat, which means any aesthetic result following liposuction will last only a few months.
Aesthetic centers
Many aesthetic centers offer anti-cellulite treatments using specialized machinery that emit light, heat, vibrations, ultrasound, and more. However, these treatments often affect the mind more than they do cellulite.
Ways to reduce cellulite’s appearance
Although diet alone will not make cellulite disappear, maintaining an ideal body weight will help cellulite’s appearance. Be careful not to lose too much weight, however, as this is harmful and will further highlight cellulite. In addition to being a healthy weight, people with cellulite should avoid drinking too much water or sugary drinks as these can both increase the thickness of the adipose tissue.
Physical activity
Furthermore, physical activity helps to maintain an ideal body weight and increases muscle mass, which can also help mask cellulite.
Cellulite is not a disease and should be treated accordingly.
It is a cosmetic, often genetic issue that can be partially controlled through maintaining an ideal body weight and engaging in physical activity.
In some cases, liposuction surgery may be useful, while most other commercially available remedies should be avoided.