Needling: a regenerative dermatology technique
Micropeeling to Treat Acne
07/09/2023There is a significant difference between micropeeling and peeling. In an attempt to smooth over imperfections such as scars, spots and loose skin, peeling treatments use strong acids that cause the destruction of the epidermis. Today, such treatments are outdated as they cause non-selective damage, destroying not only the keratinocyte cells of the epidermis, but also the melanocyte cells, immunological cells, and nerve cells present within the context of the epidermis. After repeated peelings with strong acids, the skin undergoes premature and irreversible aging.
Micropeeling, on the other hand, uses low-concentration acids that act only on the stratum corneum, which is formed by lamellae of nucleus-free keratin. As the stratum corneum is the outer part of the epidermis, living cells are not damaged.
The often invisible process of desquamation causes the daily detachment of about ten billion lamellae from the stratum corneum, lamellae of which must be replaced. It has been known for some time that artificially accelerating the desquamation process forces the cells of the epidermis to proliferate and renew themselves. As renewing cells need more nourishment, the blood circulating to the skin also benefits, therefore improving skin texture, tone and brightness at the same time.
How to micropeel with Glicosal Lotion
Apply Glicosal in the evening to a clean, dry and make-up free face. To ensure effective make-up removal before application, use the non-foaming Eudermic Cleansing Base, which helps maintain skin softness and prepare it for micropeeling.
Apply seven to ten drops of Glicosal on a moistened cotton pad. Gently massage in circular motions over the entire face until the lotion has been absorbed and the pad is dry. Avoid vigorously rubbing the pad against the skin, as too much friction can cause skin redness. Do not wash the face or use any other products after applying Glicosal. In the morning, only wash the face with tap water and apply no other products, including moisturizers. As for make-up, only mineral-based products should be used. Foundation must not be applied as it can penetrate follicles, causing further damage to the skin, while mineral-based products can be safely used as they remain on the skin’s surface.
How to adapt micropeeling
Micropeeling can be tailored to individual skin sensitivity by simply decreasing or increasing the number of drops of Glicosal. As a rule of thumb, between seven to ten drops are used and that the skin must never become red or itchy during treatment.
Micropeeling can be done every evening. However, for those with sensitive skin, micropeeling on alternate days (or, one evening on and two off) may be more suitable.
Micropeeling with Face Glyocream
Face Glycocream is composed of two naturally exfoliating acids, glycolic acid, and salicylic acid. Together, they induce increased skin desquamation, or the micropeeling effect.
Apply Face Glycocream in the evening to a clean, dry and make-up free face. To ensure effective make-up removal before application, use the non-foaming Eudermic Cleansing Base, which helps maintain skin softness and prepare it for micropeeling. Put one, maximum two, pumps of Face Glycocream onto the palm of the hand and massage all over the face, including the eye contour area but avoiding eyelids. Do not wash the face or use any other products after applying Face Glycocream. In the morning, only wash the face with lukewarm tap water and apply no other products, including moisturizers.
How to wash or remove make-up
During micropeeling treatment, cream-based or makeup containing fats (foundations) cannot be used. Instead, use Argillina Sole, which is a light-reflectant mineral makeup available in neutral and golden tones. Argillina Skin Color can also be used during micropeeling and is, like Sun Clay, available in neutral or golden tones. It is free from components that are absorbed into the skin and can be used as a concealer. The two products can also be used together.
Face washing and make-up removal is carried out before the Micro peeling in the evening. For this, we recommend using Eudermic Cleansing Base. This base washes and removes make-up from the face like a common cleanser or soap but without drying out the skin. This step is important because Micro peeling tends to dry out the skin and therefore strong cleansers or cleansing milks (or micellar water) should not be used.
Avoid creams, serums and sunscreens
Many women are used to applying creams of various kinds or serums thinking that they will keep their skin soft and delay the formation of wrinkles and ageing. No cosmetic product in cream or serum has these properties; on the contrary, applying this type of cosmetics introduces many chemical substances (emulsifiers, stabilisers, thickeners, preservatives, etc.) into the skin, which must first be processed by the skin cells and then disposed of. This creates an enormous amount of work for the skin, which is paid for in terms of premature ageing, premature appearance of spots and wrinkles. However, if one wants to moisturise the skin during micro peeling, one can resort to the application of Extreme Emollient Ointment. This particular ointment was created with glycerine polymers and isoparaffins, all ingredients that do not penetrate the skin because they are large molecules. This Ointment contains no water, emulsifiers or preservatives. Sun creams, which are usually very oily, should be avoided altogether and Sun Clay is used for photoprotection. It is applied in the morning if the face appears dry and this causes discomfort. Apply a bit and massage in for a long time until it is absorbed. You can also dilute it with a few drops of water to make it easier to apply.
How long to do the Micropeeling
Micropeeling with Glicosal or Face Glycocream has no time limit and can be performed even for years to keep the skin on the face in shape.
What results are achieved with Micropeeling
By doing away with creams, sunscreens, serums and cream make-up and ‘working’ the skin of the face with Micropeeling, one achieves greater skin firmness, increased radiance, disappearance of microcysts or blackheads, lightening of existing spots, prevention of sunspots, and delaying the appearance of wrinkles.