Irritant contact dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis: in a nutshell
20/09/2023Dermatitis describes an inflammation of the skin that presents with the sudden formation of symptoms including red patches, dry skin, and itching.
Dermatitis caused by stress is the appearance of typical dermatitis symptoms without any of the usual, obvious causes such as an established sensitivity to allergens, contact with urticants, or the use of drugs or certain cosmetics. As its name suggests, dermatitis caused by stress occurs suddenly and alongside periods of psychophysical and emotional overexertion.
Dermatitis is characterized by the sudden inflammation of the skin, causing discomfort, itching and/or burning. Dry skin, redness and scaling often appear alongside inflammation. The itchiness of the rash makes people want to scratch and doing so can cause abrasions or crusts to form, which increases the risk of infection. The intensity and irritation caused by dermatitis will vary from person to person. Dermatitis usually affects the face – including eyelids – neck, hands and feet.
The mechanisms that trigger dermatitis caused by stress are not fully known. However, it is likely that psychophysical and emotional overexertion plays a contributory role, alongside other underlying factors such as overwashing, use of cosmetics, and exposure to cold and/or humidity. In such cases, the skin represents the release valve for a series of complex mechanisms that can, for example, trigger hormonal responses or mediate inflammation.
The symptoms and duration of dermatitis caused by stress do not differ from those of contact dermatitis. Both cause a sudden skin rash that can include redness, scaling, vesicles, abrasions, and scabs. The intensity and irritation of the rash will vary from person to person, but can be as extreme as to impair sleep at night.
A diagnosis of dermatitis caused by stress is made by excluding any other causes of dermatitis such as exposure to external agents, endogenous causes or immunologic alterations. Often, an examination by the dermatologist is enough to identify a transient reaction attributable to psychophysical overexertion. However, in some cases, in order to fully exclude the interference of other factors, it is necessary to conduct more specific examinations.
Generally, dermatitis caused by stress resolves itself spontaneously after a short period, with no need for specific therapies. However, the rash may cause physical discomfort or aesthetic concern to some people, especially if the dermatitis is particularly aggressive or lasts for a long time. In such cases, the following remedies can be used to alleviate and soothe symptoms:
Over the counter soothing creams such as Soothing Cream can temporarily relieve inflammation and itching,
Responsible sun exposure can help reduce itching
Decreasing washing and washing with non-foaming cleansers (Eudermic Cleansing Base) helps decrease discomfort.
Eliminating, wherever possible, sources of stress is the most helpful treatment.
La prevenzione della Dermatite da Stress non è possibile perché lo stress può colpirci in qualsiasi momento della vita.
There are no preventative measures for stress dermatitis, as stress is something that can occur without warning at any point during life. Eliminating, wherever possible, sources of stress is the most helpful preventative measure to adopt.